Pikachurin, also known as AGRINL and EGF-like, fibronectin type-III and laminin G-like domain-containing protein, is a protein that in humans is encoded by the EGFLAM gene
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I’m going for real I haven’t done this because it was hard didn’t get it but now I know // ANSWER -
Answer: B. secrete enzymes that kill bacteria
Paneth cells, so-called because they were first described by Dr. Josef Paneth in 1888, are pyramidal cells, with the nucleus in the basal position, and with large granules in the apical position. Its first isolated specific product was the lysozyme, a bactericidal substance, by Alexander Flemming. These cells play an important role in innate immunity in the small intestine, producing a wide diversity of antimicrobial peptides and enzymes such as lysozyme itself, cryptidines, defensins and a lectin with bactericidal properties.
Protein Function may be terminated, disrupted, destruction of both the secondary and tertiary structure through the process called DENATURATION. Denaturation process does not break the primary structures since the link or sequence of peptide bond are greatly hold by Hydrogen bonding.