Power down your Chromebook by doing a hard reset.
The first thing to check for when your Chromebook won't turn on is a dead battery. Plug the unit in via AC charger and let it charge for at least 30 min to an hour and try turning it on again.
home page (also written as homepage) is the main web page of a website.
Ans 2
Technology is a useful tool for research. It is how we drive around. Technology is important for medicinal purposes.
First things first you have to do write it down which you did
step 2: then you multiply each digit of the binary number by the corresponding power of 2: 1x25 + 0x24 + 1x23 + 1x22 + 0x21 + 1x2 0
step 3: solve the powers: 1x32 + 0x16 + 1x8 + 1x4 + 0x2 + 1x1 = 32 + 0 + 8 + 4 + 0 + 1
step 4: add the numbers written above
32 + 0 + 8 + 4 + 0 + 1 = 45.
So, 45 is the decimal equivalent of the binary number 101101.
Full Record - A screen containing complete or detailed citation information which may include a summary or abstract. Full Text - A term to describe articles that can be displayed in their entirety, as opposed to Abstract and References only.