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Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: The Ming Dynasty contributed significantly to the fields of culture, science, and technology. Moreover, textiles and mining industries also flourished during this time. Towards the end of the Ming Dynasty, a capitalist production system was gradually developing. The Ming Dynasty achievements resulted in many entrepreneurs readily seizing economic development opportunities building the great wall. One of the most significant Ming Dynasty achievements in engineering is the completion and repair of the Great Wall. Ming, The restoration of the Grand Canal was also an important achievement of this era. A wide range of machinery and equipment from which silk and cotton looms were made were invented during this era. Dynasty achievements also included significant contributions in the fields of philosophy, art, and literature. The Forbidden City, Beijing, was an essential architectural achievement that was also constructed during this era.
The famous white and blue porcelain of China originated in the era of the Ming Dynasty.
Step-by-step explanation: hoped this helped :)
1) "x2" was replaced by "x^2". 1 more similar replacement(s).
Raising zero to a power is not allowed
There are 12 inches in a foot and if a yard is 3 feet then do:
3 x 12 and you get 36in
So there are 36 inches in a yard