The correct answer is A) People tend to vote for the candidates who they find most appealing, rather than the ones whose beliefs are most like their own.
People consider the way the media cover candidates for public office bad for democracy because "People tend to vote for the candidates who they find most appealing, rather than the ones whose beliefs are most like their own."
That is why propaganda and public relations activities play a major role in modern political campaigns. Elections are decided in mass media by PR and advertising. People are no more interested in the political platform of the candidate or the political party.
The issue is that with the advent of TV, the presence of the Radio, and now, social media, many Americans decided to follow and believe what they listened to the news or read in the newspaper. Critical thinking and the attitude to do research, read other sources, books, encyclopedias and learn and know more, started to diminish. Instead of thinking, many Americans were happy to wait and see what other people thought, and they simply followed what others said.
The name of this period is the (First) Industrial Revolution. It started in Great Britain in the middle 16th century as it was here where the technological innovations that triggered the whole proccess were started. It lasted until 1820s-1830s in GB but it was also consistently spread to other European countries. Most countries ended up experiencing this same process but at different speeds, depending on the kind of economy they had before.
Less people were required to produce agricultural goods due to new machinery and innovations. These people moved from rural areas to cities where they could find opportunities for different types of unskilled industrial work. Also the craftery was substituted by industrial type of production, where goods were elaborated in chain and such type of production did not require artist skills, but only to understand how the machine worked. This is how all unskilled workers from rural areas could find jobs in the new urban and industrial production system.
Moreover, the whole process was fostered by the great amount of raw materials coming from the colonies that European countries had all over the world and that were transformed into goods in the factories.
Finally, technological innovations go hand in hand with scientific development and to the extension of human knowledge about the world.
The idea of the political party goes back the First Triumvirate of Rome. Marcus Crassus, Gnaeus Pompeius, and Gaius Julius all came to the realisation that they could cement their political power by forming an alliance. In this case it ended disastrously with Julius invading Rome, Pompeius having to fight him (and losing), and Gaius Julius getting to drop “Gaius” from the common usage of his name and add “Caesar” to the end of it.
Despite the outcome, the idea of creating a political power bloc has remained in any system of government that it can exist in. It allows the members to exercise more power and present a united front. Love them or hate them, it’s easy to find out what a major political party generally stands for.
At our last election, we had a series of independents running locally. Most had no website and no signage up around town. The only information I could find on them was a short write-up in the local paper. The write-ups tended to focus on one issue. For example, one candidate was a former nurse and passionate about protecting the healthcare system. That didn’t tell me how she felt about climate change, education, infrastructure, social policies, or anything else. No, it was way easier to vote for a political party.
more than Trump has done in his 4 years