Answer: AWS CodeCommit
The AWS service that the developers can use to meet the requirements that are illustrated in the question is the AWS CodeCommit.
The AWS CodeCommit is refered to as a fully-managed source control service which can be used in the hosting of Git-based repositories which are secure.
AWS CodeCommit makes it easy for the collaboration on code for teams in a secure ecosystem. CodeCommit can securely store binaries, source code etc.
In photography, the rule of thirds is a type of composition in which an image is divided evenly into thirds, both horizontally and vertically, and the subject of the image is placed at the intersection of those dividing lines, or along one of the lines itself.
The solution code is written in Python 3.
- def convertDate(date_string):
- date_list = date_string.split("/")
- for i in range(0, len(date_list)):
- date_list[i] = int(date_list[i])
- return date_list
- print(convertDate('06/11/1930'))
Firstly, create a function convertDate() with one parameter, <em>date_string</em>. (Line 1).
Next, use the Python string <em>split()</em> method to split the date string into a list of date components (month, day & year) and assign it to variable <em>date_list</em>. (Line 3) In this case, we use "/" as the separator.
However, all the separated date components in the <em>date_list</em> are still a string. We can use for-loop to traverse through each of the element within the list and convert each of them to integer using Python<em> int() </em>function. (Line 5 - 6)
At last return the final date_list as the output (Line 8)
We can test our function as in Line 11. We shall see the output is as follow:
[6, 11, 1930]
Negativ numbers no matter how big, will always be less than zero. The correct Answer is A) 45,15,0,-11,-37
You would use a line graph because, line graphs show you the slope. The slope represents a change in data.