Galaxy , solar system, planet, moon
5 Paramecium could be accommodated in this FOV.
FOV refers to the field of view of the microscope.
It is the maximum length or area of specimen you can observe in a single view.
If a single paramecium occupies 20 % of the Entire FOV.
Then the number of paramecium that will be accomodate 100% of FOV will be given by ,
which is equal to 5.
The red blood corpuscles have a pigment called hemoglobin that binds to the oxygen and carries it to the whole body in both the conditions, when the body is at rest or when the body is exercising. The oxygenated blood from the heart is carried to the various parts of the body and the de-oxygenated blood from various parts of the body is carried to the lungs where the exchange of gases takes place.
Carbon is an important component in living things as it is present in the food of living things in the form of saccharides such as glucose and polysaccarhides such as starch. Hence the answer to this problem should have to be A. Carbon is a source of energy.
Birds and animals and maybe the bony fish.