I think it’s zero, it might be zero
Proteins and nucleic acids play important biological functions : they catalyze and regulate reactions, transport substrates, code and transcribe genetic information. It is widely appreciated that water molecules play an invaluable role in governing the structure, stability, dynamic, and function of these biomolecules
Water, without any doubt, must be considered an integral part of biological macromolecules. The living world should be thought of as an equal partnership between proteins, nucleic acids and water
The DIRECT PHOSPORYLATION OF ADP BY CREATINE PHOSPHATE is the most inefficient pathway to regenerate atp during 30 minutes of light to moderate exercise.
Aerobic respiration is the pathway for regenerating atp that provides the majority of the energy used for muscle activities during 30 minutes of light to moderate exercises.
Because your body is fighting the sickness and the bacteria.
D. Useless
According to Dictionary.com, “in vain” is defined as “without real significance, value, or importance; baseless or worthless.”