#include using namespace std;
cout << quotient;
not #include ; using namespace std;
; doesn't belong
cout << quotient
forgot the ; at the end
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and is the basic structural element that is used to create webpages. HTML is a markup language, which means that it is used to “mark up” the content within a document, in this case a webpage, with structural and semantic information that tells a browser how to display a page. When an HTML document is loaded by a web browser, the browser uses the HTML tags that have marked up the document to render the page’s content.
There are three types of code that make up a basic website page. HTML governs the structural elements, CSS styles those elements, and JavaScript enables dynamic interaction between those elements.
I say you should pick answer 1. an HR makes more sense since she is interested in a topic about the legality of different situations that are related to workers and their employers.