The earth is like an egg inside of the earth is layered something like an egg. Both have a thin, brittle shell. The crust of the earth is broken into pieces, like the cracked shell of a hardboiled egg. the mantle of the earth is like the egg white and the core of the lies in the center, like the egg yolk.
Hope that helps
Show dogs learn Behavioral Adapatations that is their specific trait(s) (basically what makes them stick out from other normal dogs)
Lightning can be best described as an electrical discharge, which is caused by the imbalances between the clouds and the storm and the ground or sometime within the cloud. It carries around 20,000 to 30,000 ampere of current when it comes to the ground.
It is not only the direct hit of the lightning that make you worry, but any strike that is close to us can be dangerous to us as it results in the release of huge amount of electricity in the surrounding area.
Hormones -- such as melatonin and cortisol; the former signals the body to go to bed, while the latter signals for the sleeping person to wake up -- are created by physiological changes.