The agency's original purpose was to regulate railroads and later trucking to ensure fair rates, to eliminate rate discrimination, and to regulate other aspects of common carriers, including interstate bus lines and telephone companies.
I hope this explains it well
The Magna Carta was an agreement concluded between King John of England, the nobility and the clergy of England on June 15, 1215. It gave nobles and priests benefits, among other things, in tax matters, and also forced the king to share power with these two supreme groups. The slogan "no taxation without representation" was essential, which also prevailed in the American Revolutionary War. The Magna Carta is seen as the foundation of England's parliament and as the beginning of constitutional rule.
The most important thing in Magna Carta is the provision that no free men should be arrested or punished without being judged by their peers under the laws of the land.
The economic structure of society is based upon division of labour in which the professions and economic activities of people are different or dissimilar. The culture of society prospers with the differences in thoughts ideals, viewpoints, etc. No two individuals are alike in their nature.
It affected American’s economic system because of somemajor reasons.
1: We are in large debt and cannot pay it
2. We need a federal bank