Although the Emperor was considered powerful by the Han and Qin Dynasty, the Han's governance was distinct from the Qin's. Whereas the Qin dynasity was ruthless in its governance, the Han Dynasity adopted a moderate governance that was aimed at uniting the people. In fact peasants, despite their low social class were treated better by the Han Dynasity unlike the Qin Dynasty. Also, whereas the Qin government controlled all the state resources, the Han government strived to achieve a balance between the local and central government
“sa” south africa? Women encouraged the larger democratic movement to include womens issues and fostering the leadership of women.
France lost nearly all of its North American possessions after losing the French and Indian War to Britain.
When João Rodrigues Calbrilho, a Portuguese explorer, arrived with his crew in California in the early 1500s (they were the first Europeans to do so), the crew abandoned the place, thinking it was too isolated from the world's other trade points.
The king of Britain wanted to expand. others wanted religious freedom