Pearl Harbor
The President's description of December 7, 1941 as "a date which will live in infamy" was borne out; the date very quickly became shorthand for the Pearl Harbor attack in much the same way that November 22, 1963 and September 11, 2001 became inextricably associated with the assassination of John F.
That’s when it’s a authentic and it comes from the time ur taking abt
British people wanted and made slaves work in their land. The slaves never got paid back. The owners got more money and bought more slaves.
Isn't that horrible, making people work very hard ,but not paying them back?
Thee of the main reasons why the Industrial Revolution occurred in America were because 1) there was a large labor force ready to work, 2) there were lots of coal and fossil fuel deposits that were used to power many of the engines in the factories, and 2) a democratic capitalist system was ideal for allowing businesses to thrive without much government oversight.
<h2>The Red Scare</h2><h3>(technically, the First Red Scare)</h3>
What historians refer to as the first Red Scare occurred from 1919 to the early 1920s in the United States, following the Bolsvhevik Revolution which brought communism to power in Russia. The Bolsheviks (meaning "the Majority") were the communist faction that led a successful overthrow of the regime of the tsar in Russia in 1917. They weren't a "majority" in Russia, but they were the dominant group within the Russian communist movement. Civil war in Russia followed during the next years, from 1917 into the early 1920s, ultimately leading to the establishment of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in 1922. There was fear in the United States (as there was elsewhere in the world) that communism would begin to spread further, beyond Russia. Attorney General Mitchell Palmer used that fear as an excuse to arrest suspected radicals in the United States.
The more common reference to "The Red Scare" usually refers to what historically was the second Red Scare, from the late 1940s to late 1950s in the United States. Following World War 2, as the Cold War developed and the Soviet Union was gathering allies, there was even greater fear -- and fear-mongering -- in the United States about the threat of communism. The Second Red Scare was when The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was created and when Senator Joseph McCarthy began a campaign of accusations against suspected communists in various sectors of American life.