The theory of multiple intelligences was first proposed by Howard Gardner in 1983 on his book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. In this book, he broke intelligence down into eight categories. The modalities are:
1) Musical-rhythmic and harmonic
2) Visual-Spatial
3) verbal (linguistic)
4) logical mathematial
5) Kinesthetics
6) interpersonal
7) intrapersonal
8) naturalistic
9) existential
Not to mention in a recent interview Gardner is considering adding on the modality of teaching pedagogical as the last modality.
The hoop represents a balance in nature for both human, animal, plant and the universe. The hoop is a circle, an infinite loop that goes on forever when the pieces that help create and maintain the hoop are in balance.
These balances can be represented by a familiar set of earth, wind or air, fire and water. In order for anyone of these elements to occur, they need to be in balance with one another and sometimes allow the others to flourish or grow and diminish or disappear. Such as air can help fire grow, whereas water can destroy fire.
The hoop is the balance in life. On a much more human-scale, it is the balance that people have with nature. If people hunt too many animals, there will be no animals, so while now there may be a feast for the people, in the future they will be hungry or starve. If land is over-planted or overused now, the land in the future may not produce.
The hoop represents balance in aspects of life and interaction of human beings with the world that surrounds. And also can be broken or disrupted when humans are not in balance with the world around them.
<h2>A. Communism was not contained in Vietnam.</h2>
The US withdrew its forces from Vietnam in 1973. By 1975, Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam, fell to the North Vietnamese communist forces. South Vietnam unconditionally surrendered to North Vietnam on April 30, 1975. All of Vietnam became united under communist control.
There were also successful communist invasions of Laos and Cambodia also
Social issues include labor and working conditions
, occupational health and safety
, community health, safety, and security
, etc.
Environmental issues include air pollution and climate change, land contamination, deforestation, etc.
Providing workers with a secure and stable working environment is necessary to ensure the development of the organization. An employee is expected to take all appropriate measures to protect staff from free of the chemical, biological and radiological hazards inherent in a specific business field.
The atmosphere and ocean waters are overloaded with carbon which has proved hazardous to the environment. Industrial waste has contaminated land and rivers with hazardous elements that have affected the whole food cycle. An altered environment has become one of the biggest threats to the survival of mankind.