In antiquity, systems of measurement were defined locally: the different units might be defined independently according to the length of a king's thumb or the size of his foot, the length of stride, the length of arm, or maybe the weight of water in a keg of specific size, perhaps itself defined in hands and knuckles.
Systems of Measurement: there are two main systems of measurement in the world: the Metric (or decimal) system and the US standard system. ... The US Standard system uses units that have no predictable relationship to each other. For example, there are 2 cups in a pint, but 4 quarts in a gallon.
What effect did the Civil War and Reconstruction have on Indians? ... How did the Seminoles differ in their attitude toward slavery from that of the Cherokees?
Conference committees are often a necessary part of the federal legislative process because bills reviewed by these committees cannot be vetoed by the president.