Answer: Quiero vivir mi vida dejando huellas para que todos los demas sigan. No cualqier tipo de huellas, si no huellas grandes y buenas. Quiero dejar un camino digno de admirarse para que aquel que lo camine tambien sea admirado. Un camino nuevo jamas caminado, jamas visto, y jamas seguido. Con esto en mente, empiezo una vida nueva caminando un camino nuevo que yo he hecho.
el rimel
porque en la pertaña se pone rimel
Todos son actividades físicas
The words that could fill the blanks are:
- <em>De todos los juegos de mesa, mi favorito es el </em><u><em>ajedrez</em></u><em>. </em>
- <em>Juana consiguió un </em><u><em>boleto </em></u><em>en la primera fila para el concierto de Shakira. </em>
- <em>El entrenador de nuestro </em><u><em>equipo</em></u><em> es muy divertido y nos gusta mucho. </em>
- <em>¿Quieres venir con nosotros a jugar al </em><u><em>golf</em></u><em> </em><em>el domingo? Si no tienes zapatos, puedes alquilar unos en el club. </em>
- <em>Si jugamos tan bien como el año pasado, volveremos a ganar el </em><u><em>campeonato</em></u><em>.</em>
The translation of the sentences is:
- Of all the board games, my favorite is <u>chess</u>.
- Juana got a <u>ticket</u> in the front row for Shakira's concert.
- The coach of our <u>team</u> is a lot of fun and we really like him.
- Do you want to come with us to play <u>golf</u> on Sunday? If you don't have shoes, you can rent one at the club.
- If we play as well as last year, we will win the <u>championship</u> again.
To identify the words that could complete each of the sentences it is necessary to follow the meaning of the sentence, for example <u>in the first sentence a board game had to be used since there were no options I decided to use chess, in the second sentence when mentioning "a concert" and "first row" the most logical thing is to think of a ticket, in the third sentence a coach is mentioned, for which reason he is surely from a team, in the fourth sentence a game is mentioned in which they must be used special shoes that can be rented in a club, for which golf is selected and in the last sentence they talk about winning something, so the options could be tournament or championship</u>.
C. Comprendas is the right answer