One such sentence would be this: "The compass was a vital piece of technology that allowed sailors and explorers of all kinds find their position in the world relative to the North Pole".
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Yellow journalism is a pejorative term that refers to the making, placing and distribution of articles in newspapers, weeklies and other periodicals that are not so much made from real journalism, but are more of a mishmash of gossip, baseless claims and half-truths. The main purpose is almost always to promote the sales of the magazine in which the articles are printed. After all, people like to read stories like this. In contrast, traditional journalism really seeks to convey a story to the public, regardless of the commercial interest of the media to sell their products. A clear historical example of yellow journalism was the New York World.
A new border between North and South Korea was drawn, which gave South Korea some additional territory and demilitarized the zone between the two nations. The war cost the lives of millions of Koreans and Chinese, as well as over 50,000 Americans. It had been a frustrating war for Americans, who were used to forcing the unconditional surrender of their enemies. Many also could not understand why the United States had not expanded the war into China or used its nuclear arsenal. As government officials were well aware, however, such actions would likely have prompted World War III.
In a totalitarian state, the state has a total control over its citizens, and it tries to have absolute over all the political, social and personal life. Typically, there is only one party, and all citizens have to be involved in it in some way (i.e. by a Youth organization).