WiFi is a standard wireless network configuration developed by IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) as a 802.11 standard.
WiFi is embedded in chips in computers and configured for finding wireless routers. WiFi certified points can identify each other, this standardized networks are available almost all online electronic devices.
Wi-Fi Alliance is the authority to certify devices which satisfy the IEEE 802.11 standards.
Swapping two numbers means exchange the values of two variables with each other.
Option: void f1(float array[], int size);
is valid.
To pass an array as argument in a function, the syntax should be as follows:
functionName (type arrayName[ ] )
We can't place the size of the array inside the array bracket (arrayName[100]) as this will give a syntax error. The empty bracket [] is required to tell the program that the value that passed as the argument is an array and differentiate it from other type of value.