Okay, before you go on, do some power poses. standing with your arms up or your legs spread for like 10 minutes can greatly improve your mood. if you're in a classroom though, and can't do that, I would recommend making sure you have good posture while waiting to go up, and keep a smile on your face the whole time! even long before you start. smiling can increase your happiness a whole lot, so make sure you do it! also before the presentation, make sure you drink plenty of water (a gallon a day for the average adult) and get enough sleep. when preparing for your presentation, don't try to memorize the words you're going to say, (especially not if you'll have a reference like a paper or a slideshow) but memorize the ideas you want to convey. if you've written a speech, don't practice the speech exactly, practice conveying the ideas in it without reading from it. The worst thing you can do during a presentation is just stand there and read. Make sure you make eye contact and don't speak in monotone, tell a story with your presentation, don't just give information. if you need help being confident, I would suggest listening to some of your favourite music or some inspiring speeches (which you can find real easy on google<span>) to make you feel good about yourself. If you are having troubles with stage fright, or being in front of people, the best thing I've ever done, is just pretend they aren't there. Pretend you're just talking to yourself in your bedroom, and it becomes a lot more easy to express yourself. and if none of that sort of stuff works, maybe take some nerve medicine, if you have it. </span>
class WeatherForecast(object):
skies = ""
min = 0
max = 0
def get_skies(self):
return self.skies
def set_skies(self, value):
self.skies = value
def get_max(self):
return self.max
def set_max(self, value):
self.max = value
def get_min(self):
return self.min
def set_min(self, value):
self.min = value
def main():
obj1 = WeatherForecast()
print("Calling get_skies(): ", obj1.get_skies())
print("Calling get_max(): ", obj1.get_max())
print("Calling get_min(): ", obj1.get_min())
- Inside the WeatherForecast class, initialize variables for skies, minimum and maximum.
- Define the getter and setter method for the necessary variables inside the WeatherForecast class.
- Create an object of the class WeatherForecast.
- Call the getter functions of the class and display the results.
- Finally call the main function to test the program.
Answer A
Answer A, because, metropolitan area network is a network within a city or town and wide area network usually connects many cities. So, both C & D are spread on a wide area.
Bats cannot run so it would be almost impossible for them to take off from the ground. A major advantage to hanging upside down is that bats do not need to generate lift to begin flight. They just drop out of their bed, open their wings and off they go.
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The internet can be a dangerous place, and it's important to take steps to protect your privacy. One way to do this is to enable tracking protection in your web browser.
Tracking protection is a security feature that restricts the information that can be tracked by external websites and applications. This means that your browsing session will be more private, and your data will be less likely to be collected and used without your consent.
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Enabling tracking protection can help to keep your data safe and your privacy protected. So if you're concerned about online privacy, be sure to enable this feature in your web browser.
Learn more on internet explorer here: