D have neither a cat nor a dog
Step-by-step explanation:
On the 1st Jan 2012 Beth invested some money into a bank account.The account pays 2.5% interest per year.On the 1st Jan 2013 she withdraws £1000.
Step-by-step explanation:
13 she withdraws £1000.On the 1st Jan 2014 she had £17,466 in the account.How much money did Beth originally invest into the account.Please show your method.
We can use rise over run to determine the slope is 5/8. Using this slope and the point (5,2) we can write the equation: y-2 = 5/8 (x-5)
Decimal form of 5/8 is .625 , so it could be written y-2 = .625*(x-5)
Step-by-step explanation:
In the model
Log (salary) = B0 + B1LSAT +B2GPA +B3log(libvol) +B4log(cost)+B5 rank+u
The hypothesis that rank has no effect on log (salary) is H0:B5 = 0. The estimated equation (now with standard errors) is
Log (salary) = 8.34 + .0047 LSAT + .248 GPA + .095 log(libvol)
(0.53) (.0040) (.090) (.033)
+ .038 log(cost) – .0033 rank
(.032) (.0003)
n = 136, R2 = .842.
The t statistic on rank is –11(i.e. 0.0033/0.0003), which is very significant. If rank decreases by 10 (which is a move up for a law school), median starting salary is predicted to increase by about 3.3%.
(ii) LSAT is not statistically significant (t statistic ≈1.18) but GPA is very significance (t statistic ≈2.76). The test for joint significance is moot given that GPA is so significant, but for completeness the F statistic is about 9.95 (with 2 and 130 df) and p-value ≈.0001.