I say A not sure tho but I did get a grade 5 in biology
I think it's A not sure tho
I'm not completely sure about this answer because our unit on that was very short. So please don't be upset if its incorrect.
The answer is phytoplankton and water depth, because in order for any ecosystem to survive they need the producer population (Plants)
Middle School
Basic Rank
in my oppinion its call a
source of pergisol
What if climate change is self-sustaining? This is already the case, for example, with melting arctic sea ice. This reflects solar radiation, which allows the ocean, located under the ice, to stay cold. But when sea ice melts, the ocean absorbs heat from the sun, which melts more ice. In general, it is difficult to predict the tipping point where such a feedback loop will engage.
Spread over more than 23,000,000 km2, at the top of the globe, permafrost (permanently frozen ground) could enter such a vicious circle. Normally, up to 4 m of soil and plant debris cover the permafrost. This top layer (called the active layer) normally melts every summer, and freezes in winter. It thus protects the permafrost from the rise in heat outside. But in the spring of 2018, a team working at a research station in Tchersky, Russia, discovered that near-surface land had not frozen over at all during the long, dark polar night.
You can use a chromosomal karyotype to see if there are any abnormalities with the normal 23 pairs of chromosomes that every healthy human has. Different abnormalities like an extra chromosome (trisomy), missing a chromosome (Minos omg), or having certain parts missing or added on can lead to a person to be diagnosed with certain disease (ex: Down syndrome is an extra chromosome on the 21st chromosome).
Hope this helps!