Answer: A. Chief Justice John Marshall
Explanation: Sent John Marshall to Paris to negotiate an alliance between France and the U.S.
The smaller population states have more power by using the Electoral College than they would otherwise.
The Electoral College of the United States is made up of electors who elect the President and Vice President of the United States. The Constitution determines how many voters each state has; in practice, the number is the same as the total numebr of congressmen that each state has.
Voters do not directly elect the President and Vice President of the United States, but vote through the constituencies of their own state. Voters can, in principle, vote for any candidate, but in practice undertake to vote for a particular candidate, and thus voters know how to cast their vote through their constituents for their own candidate. This is an example of an indirect election method.
The smaller popularion states tend to support the electoral college more emphatically than the larger population states, since this voting mechanism implies an equalization in the proportion of votes by the smaller states with respect to the larger states. Otherwise, if it were the case of direct vote by citizens, four or five states could be decisive, leaving other citizens on a secondary level.
The correct option is D. All of the above.
The main causes of race riots in American cities include police conduct, ghetto conditions and unemployment.
According to information from Justice Department, one in three African-Americans will spend some time of their life in jail.
Samuel Slater invented the cotton gin which cleaned the cotton faster.
Answer: The Three-Fifths Compromise was a compromise reached among state delegates during the 1787 United States Constitutional Convention. Delegates disputed whether and how slaves would be counted when determining a state's total population, as this population number would determine a state's number of seats in the House of Representatives and how much it would pay in taxes. The compromise counted three out of every five slaves as people, giving the Southern states a third more seats in Congress and a third more electoral votes than if slaves had been ignored, but fewer than if slaves and free people had been counted equally.