Okeke is from the story 'Marriage is a private affair', a book written by the Nigerian author, Chinua Achebe.
Okeke was a dutiful son who has regards for his father and always want to obtain his permission in all that he does. But he also a very determined man and is always ready to stay by his decisions, when he knows that he is doing the right thing for himself. He is a man who does not give up easily and he continues to appeals to his father to change his mind about his marriage even years after the event has happened. Okeke is a kind of man who does not follow custom and traditions blindly, when they do not favour him.
its the most reasonable one
mInecraft (Lol)
The design is very brilliant implementing a lego feel along with some real life visual such as grass, animals, and certain wood. Being a blocky sort of game with no type of ahem "Violence Aftermaths to the creatures/mobs" it is kid friendly but offers visuals pleasing to adults alike so yeah enjoy your answer sir or Ma'am :)