Adjectives are words that describe a noun
Sam and Eric are twins. Though they are two individuals, they are identified as one with the nickname "Samneric".
Their companions can't tell them apart so instead of using their names, their friends combined their names and used it to address any one of the twins.
Samneric do things together. They think alike. Basically, they are identical in all ways from physical appearance to their characters.
Abraham Lincoln famously stated that “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” Lincoln's remarks would prove prescient given the great civil war to come.
The central idea of Mike kubick's article 'The salem (and other) witch hunts' was to show how people, mainly women, were chased by the Church and obliged to confess crimes they hadn't committed. All this hunt was made 'in the name of God' and it was very difficult to escape or to think about denouncing the problem to authorities since they were the same people that committed such an abominable act.