The second amendment i will look in my notes for the quote
During the World War 1 the US were allies to the countries affected during the War by supplying food and giving them aid by send troops and other resources which helped the allies win the war
WWI was largely a stalemate until the US entered the war. Its large population and many resources tipped the balance and allowed the Allied Powers to win the war soon after the US entered. ... The American troops were fresh because we didn't join the war until April 1917. Our rested troops were a big asset for the Allies.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was created in in 1933 and it was to protect bank depositors and ensure a level of trust in the American banking system, during the Great Depression.
The Exchange Commission (SEC) was created in 1934 and the goal was to to help investors feel comfortable to put money back into the stock market.
Both were important to create confidence in american people, and to create the possibility to get out of the Great Depression.
Mobilization:the act of gearing up for war