The electromagnetic spectrum<span> is a continuum of all</span>electromagnetic waves<span> arranged according to frequency and wavelength. The sun, earth, and other bodies radiate </span>electromagnetic<span> energy of varying wavelengths. </span>Electromagnetic<span> energy passes through space at the speed of light in the form of sinusoidal</span>waves<span>.</span>
1.Logline: Joao, a deeply paranoid Brazilian cop, escapes Brazil and clashes with Eva, a wealthy Norwegian trader suffering an existential crisis.
Answer: a child’s Brain still hasn’t developed fully while an adult is fully developed at 20-30.
Explanation: choices/decisions will impact an adult harder then a child since the child is still learning.
A comma is a punctuation mark (,) indicating a pause between parts of a sentence. It is also used to separate items in a list and to mark the place of thousands in a large numeral. It can also mean a butterfly that has wings with irregular, ragged edges and typically a white or silver comma-shaped mark on the underside of each hind wing.