Environmental Impacts of the Electricity System. ... In general, the environmental effects can include: Emissions of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants, especially when a fuel is burned. Use of water resources to produce steam, provide cooling, and serve other functions. Generally speaking, as the human population grows, our consumption of natural resources increases. More humans consume more freshwater, more land, more clothing, etc. The more people on the planet, the more food you need to feed those humans (more fishing, more farming, more deforestation to make room for agriculture and raising livestock, and so forth).
Heritable traits that enhance survival will become progressively more common in succeeding generations.
Charles Darwin's theory of evolution developed many ideas; among them we find the "Adaptation", which describes just what the exercise explains: the "inescapable conclusion" that individuals in a population will have unequal reproductive success, so that those whose traits best enable them to survive will leave more offspring. In other words, among a species, the individuals who have the best heritable traits will be able to have more offspring, and, therefore, those traits will be more and more common in the following generations.
Answer: Secularism is the concept that refers to the distinction between government organizations and those charged with representing the state from religious organizations. Secularism can be said to advocate the exercise of a function or learning unrelated to a religious teaching, as an exemption from the imposition of the rule of a religion on the population, provided it is a community neutral to religious beliefs.
Religious Tolerance is respect for another's religion, it is acceptance of another's religion. Societies did not always have freedom of worship, Christianity for example was very persecuted in Ancient Rome for being a monotheistic doctrine.
Benjamin Franklin was right when he said "Our new Constitution is now established, everything seems to promise it will be durable". US constitution remains not only relevant but very similar to the original document, therefore, durability is the right answer.