It shows us more images to connect us to the past.
Photo journalism is so important because, especially with the changing technological state of our world, it’s a medium that can convey emotion the power of events or movements while also standing the test of time. It is also important because we live in a world with a lot of rumors and false media so photo journalism is a step in the direction of primary source and providing real evidence for events being reported on.
Whole half and quarter notes
Each note type is one half the preceding note in time duration. A half note is one half the value of a whole note. A quarter note is one half the value of a half note. A dot increases the length of a note by one half its value. A dotted quarter note is equal to a quarter note tied to an eighth note (quaver). ... If it last two beats the dotted note lasts 3 beats. Hold the note for its duration plus half of its original length.