Sam is in Piaget's preoperational stage of cognitive development. In addition, the preoperational stage is the second stage in Piaget's theory of cognitive development in which this stage starts around age 2 as children start to talk and last until approximately age 7. Throughout this stage, the children begin to take part in a symbolic play and learn to use symbols.
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark helped open the American frontier to settlement by exploring the regions further out west. They mapped these territories and found accessible routes, so that Americans could move further out west and settle the land before the Europeans could claim it. There was also a smaller objective of studying the science and possible economic qualities.
You mean what possible advantage could Oligarchy have?
Oligarchy could mean that people in power will have good education and for example won't be manipulated by populists. For example often people choose their representatives based on very little information, and in an oligarchy, where a small portion of a society (the riches and best educated) rules, it could be more likely that the rulers will have the necessary education and preparaation.
Their problems were low wages and unsafe working conditions.
In the late 1800s, workers organized unions to solve their problems. ... First, workers formed local unions and later formed national unions. These unions used strikes to try to force employers to increase wages or make working conditions safer.
Answer: Geometric
Geometric means designed with regular lines and shapes. The Geometric form of the pyramids contrasts with the surrounding organic landscape, and shows the Egyptians’ power and control over the natural world around them.