A whole note lasts for 4 beats taking up a whole measure of 4 beats. This means you would play and hold the not for 4 beats. A whole rest lasts for four beats. A whole rest instructs you not to play for 4 beats. I do not think you can include a rest or a whole note in a rhythm because in this rhythm there is only two measures and if we add a whole rest and a whole note then i think it won’t sound like a rhythm
Difference is that Opera has more feelings and becomes stronger with emotions
And Sci-fi just makes you feel excited for adventurous
Similarity is that they both usually have a story or a plot
Its form.
Form is actual, three-dimensional shape, though it is often used to describe the illusion of three-dimensionality, as well. Like shape, form can be geometric or organic.
Art is any subjective representation of the world, according to the artist's gaze, who represents it according to his own perceptions, trying to give his representation an aesthetic sense. There are various forms of art, such as painting, music, photography, cinema, etc.
Two forms of art that surprise me because they are considered as such are photography and architecture. In photography, the artist does not create or represent a work, but simply captures a certain image that he has not modified; and architecture because the architect performs his work for a technical purpose, and only then for aesthetics.