The Loyalists were the people who remained loyal to the British Crown rather than were in favour of independence.
The Loyalist were on the average older and partially also richer: they were better established and therefore a change would be a risk for them. This was their reason: they were afraid of change and of loosing their position.
because a Union worker uses intelligence as well as a lot of energy to ensure icome is available
They ignored it
The Boland Amendment aimed to prohibit the federal government from providing support to the Contras in Nicaragua. Instead of directly getting involved like that, they decided to ask someone else to support it, and that was Iran. Iran was the subject of an arms embargo which meant that the Contras were able to buy arms (guns) from Iran to overthrow the Nicaraguan government, and this ended up being a political scandal in Reagan's administration.
In the 19th century, there was an existing tutorial system made by Joseph Lancaster and Andrew Bell as a program for the school. Students who are achievers teach the low achievers to catch up with their classes. Although it was a good plan, poor monitoring was evident. Parents blame the school for not teaching Orthodox Christian religion, where submission is taught
Knowing who we are
preparing to live in the world
attaining cultural literacy on a world scale