judicial review
The process that is occurring when a court invalidates a law for being unconstitutional is known as JUDICIAL REVIEW.
A good example was the Judiciary Act of 1803 which was established o Marbury v Madison. In this case, the court decided that the acts of Congress infringe the Constitution or it is unconstitutional.
Sparta was focused on military training, and Athens on academics. Maybe you ran into Socrates the philosopher in Athens, and he started asking you odd questions. Or perhaps you noticed children being matched out of Sparta as you entered, possibly to be made to (if the rumors are true) fight wolves in the wilderness. You likely noticed the red plumes on Spartan helmets, and the blue on Athenian ones if any.
He wanted to secure the place of Macedonia as dominant among the Greek states, to establish peace in the Greek world, and divert Greek energy to support his upcoming invasion of the Persian Empire, without Greek uprisings threatening his home base in his absence.
✅In describing the American identity, Huntington first contests the notion that the country is, as often repeated, "a nation of immigrants".
✅Huntington defines the American Creed as embodying the "principles of liberty, equality, individualism, representative government, and private property".
The answer that is not true is A