Weathering because it's "wearing" down something to make sediment
El magma es una roca líquida y semilíquida extremadamente caliente ubicada debajo de la superficie de la Tierra. Este magma puede atravesar agujeros o grietas en la corteza, provocando una erupción volcánica. Cuando el magma fluye o entra en erupción en la superficie de la Tierra, se llama lava. Como la roca sólida, el magma es una mezcla de minerales.
Espero que esto ayude
The answer is: B) silkworms.
“While sitting in her garden she deduced the secret of silk by watching the silkworms. She developed the process to remove the thread from the cocoon and set up silk cultivation farms and the weaving of the new cloth.” (Source:
Human and apes have 5 fingers that are used for grasping objects, so they have the same function, but they also have a common ancestor and are closely related, that means that this is an example of homologous structures. In evolutionary biology, the term homologous structures means that there are organs and skeletal elements of animals and organisms, that by virtue of their similarity, suggest their connection to a common ancestor.