Capitalism is not a system of government, but an economical system - so it can't be the correct answer.
The correct answer is" republic" - in a republic people don't exercise their power directly, but choose representatives and this is the case in the US (the representatives are for example the Congress and the President)
It connected cities to various water routes
The narcissism is a behavour in the personality in which people have a disproportionate sense of their own importance, it means, those people are extremely arrogant and overbearing. They usually show little or no empathy to other people, this lack of affective bonding to each other is their most obvious feature. they usually see other people like an objects where they can find some benefit.
In the cartoon<em>,</em> the weapons and the soldiers represent the desecration of womanhood by men with socially-imposed restrictions. This is the level to which men have reduced women in some societies, the level of oppressed servitude.
The cartoon depicting a general or monarch on a carriage suspended under the body of a woman in chains with two other soldiers on the two sides is an epitome of wickedness. It shows the burdens to which women are generally subjected to in our societies. Who are the perpetrators of such evil? Do they have some heart of flesh? And this questions the love that is shared by both sexes. Is it true love or satisfaction of passionate lust?