It's similar in the sense that the predominant type of social organization around the world is democracy. Many countries around the world are trying to implement democracy as a governmental model or already have done so. This was also found in the ancient Greek society. That is one way how it was similar to today. Another thing that is the same is that people still tend to spend their time in the same way hey did before in terms of talking to each other, hanging out, etc. Although this has changed a lot since the classic age.
D) Checks and Balances
A is the belief of a strong National Government which has no part to do with this quote.
B is democracy which if the term is broken down demo = people, cracy = rule
Democracy is roughly translated to people- rule, which the people kind of due because we have the right to vote, but that is not the answer.
C is popular sovereignty which is when a vote is being taken if one has more votes for yes than votes no it will take place, become a law etc,.
So finally the answer is D because the branches all work together to make sure that none of them go askew and gain concentration of power and so this way if a law was to be passed it must go through all branches, unless the House of Representatives chooses to vote again, but that is a different topic.
The true statement here is C. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights lists human rights for everyone, universally. =)