Pullman Strike, May 11, 1894 to July 20, 1894 in U.S. history, widespread railroad strike and boycott that severely disrupted rail traffic in the Midwest of the United States in June–July 1894. The federal government's response to the unrest marked the first time that an injunction was used to break a strike
hope it helps
Justinian was the Byzantine Emperor from 527 to 565, during his rule he enacted reforms to reduce corruption and increase accountability. He was a prolific builder, and constructed dams, bridges, fortifications. All the elements of Justinian's passion came together when he rebuilt Hagia Sophia, it is one of the most famous cathedrals today. He is important because he reorganized the administration of the imperial government and sponsored the codification of laws which were known as Code of Justinian.
Matthew was orignally a jew
Answer: The largest American Indian tribes lived in Central and South America. Think Aztecs, Mayas, Incas, etc. In North America, the population was less dense. Even so, the city of Cahokia was built near the modern location of St. Louis, on the Mississippi River. It had many mounds and perhaps 30,000 people at its peak. In the late 1400s, the Iroquois and Algonquin groups lived in the midwest and northeast, the Cherokee lived in the southeast, the Sioux lived in the midwest, and the cliff dwellings of the southwest were already abandoned.
El contrato social, como teoría política, explica, entre otras cosas, el origen y el propósito del Estado y de los derechos humanos. La esencia de la teoría (cuya formulación más conocida es la propuesta por Jean-Jacques Rousseau) es la siguiente: para vivir en sociedad, los seres humanos acuerdan un contrato social implícito que les otorga ciertos derechos a cambio de abandonar la libertad de la que dispondría en estado de naturaleza. Siendo así, los derechos y los deberes de los individuos constituyen las cláusulas del contrato social, en tanto que el Estado es la entidad creada para hacer cumplir el contrato. Del mismo modo, los seres humanos pueden cambiar los términos del contrato si así lo desean; los derechos y los deberes no son inmutables o naturales. Por otro lado, un mayor número de derechos implica mayores deberes, y menos derechos, menos deberes.