The best option is A. It presents students with questions based on their answers to previous questions, when taking an accuplacer the test is for what you have learned and know. When you get ready to take a college course in high school you must pass either a reading, writing or math test, its to see what you know. The questions are both easy and hard, they are to test your knowledge.
For starters...since the subject is English...the writer might want t to read the question over and spell check it. ask for a true false answer and then say "too short" when one is offered. Not impressed by this app
"It would," said Sam.
Then the train began to move, and the soldier in the train sank back on his seat, took out a cigarette, and began to smoke. I found he had been twice out at the front, and was now home on sick leave. He had been at the battle of Mons, through the retreat to the Marne, the advance to the Aisne, the first battle of Ypres, and the fighting at Festubert. In a word, he had seen some of the greatest events in the world's history, face to face, and yet he confessed that when he came to writing a letter, even to his wife, he could find nothing to say. He was in the position of the lady mentioned by Horace Walpole, whose letter to her husband began and ended thus: "I write to you because I have nothing to do: I finish because I have nothing to say." The last part could be humorous, but it's mostly conversational
The poem is about a louse on Jenny's hat. While in church the speaker notices it running around on Jenny's hat and hair. She is such a proper woman, she would be horrified to know that the louse is there so he won't tell her. The last choice is the best answer.