Answer:The Weimar Republic faced violent uprisings from various groups, not to mention devastating economic problems. Germany between 1918 and 1919 was in chaos. People were starving, the Kaiser had fled and people hated the government for signing the armistice in November 1918 - they called them the November criminals.
Similar approaches to poetry were developed in other parts of the world. Between the fourth century B.C. and the first century A.D., Hebrew poets composed intimate and lyrical psalms, which were sung in ancient Jewish worship services and compiled in the Hebrew Bible. During the eighth century, Japanese poets expressed their ideas and emotions through haiku and other forms. Writing about his private life, Taoist writer Li Po (710–762) became one of China's most celebrated poets.
The rise of lyric poetry in the Western world represented a shift from epic narratives about heroes and gods. The personal tone of lyric poetry gave it broad appeal. Poets in Europe drew inspiration from ancient Greece but also borrowed ideas from the Middle East, Egypt, and Asia.
Types of Lyric Poetry
Of the three main categories of poetry—narrative, dramatic, and lyric—lyric is the most common, and also the most difficult to classify. Narrative poems tell stories. Dramatic poetry is a play written in verse. Lyric poetry, however, encompasses a wide range of forms and approaches.
El arte gótico fue un estilo de arte medieval que se desarrolló en el norte de Francia a partir del arte románico en el siglo XII d.C., liderado por el desarrollo simultáneo de la arquitectura gótica. Se extendió por toda Europa occidental y gran parte del norte, sur y centro de Europa, sin borrar nunca los estilos más clásicos de Italia. A finales del siglo XIV, se desarrolló el sofisticado estilo cortesano del gótico internacional, que continuó evolucionando hasta finales del siglo XV. En muchas áreas, especialmente en Alemania, el arte gótico tardío continuó hasta bien entrado el siglo XVI, antes de ser subsumido en el arte renacentista. Los medios primarios en el período gótico incluyeron la escultura, la pintura sobre tabla, las vidrieras, los frescos y los manuscritos iluminados. Los cambios fácilmente reconocibles en la arquitectura del románico al gótico, y del gótico al renacimiento, se utilizan típicamente para definir los períodos en el arte en todos los medios, aunque en muchos sentidos el arte figurativo se desarrolló a un ritmo diferente.
The Heliocentric model from the Renaissance replaced the geocentric model. This means that whereas before people thought that the earth was at the center of the solar system, this was replaced by the belief that the Sun was at the center of the Solar System.