Locke believed that the purpose of government is to protect individual liberties and the natural rights of life, liberty and property. The Founding Fathers included these ideas when they wrote the Declaration of Independence.
The answer is:
Parties help facilitate electoral choice so there's a limit to which we may blame political parties when our government doesn't function effectively.
Because of the fact that parties help mobilize voters also called 'getting out the vote', you can't really blame political parties when the government doesn't function effectively because if you don't get people to vote for them the parties would be free to chose candidates. They do this to encourage low voter turnout through direct mail, email or advertisement or also help through voter registration drives as well as coordinate volunteers to help get people to vote. The blame may be blamed on individual citizens like ourselves because a person can in fact run as an independent and if they get enough signatures on a petition they can become a candidate.
You would most likely place blame on the citizens who do not vote than on the political parties themselves when you take this into consideration.
Shogun es un título concedido por el emperador a un daimio y solo a uno en ese momento. El Tenno, que es el nombre real que recibe el emperador es el gobernante divino.
UN experts concluded that Iraq had eliminated weapons of mass destruction in 1991 after its Desert Storm defeat, but officials in U.S. president George W. Bush's administration attempted to argue that the UN experts were wrong.
The invasion of Manchuria happened in 1932 which is 7 years before the official year of the start of World War 2 and 9 years before the US intervention in World War 2 (Pearl Harbor).