In contract law and under UCC, indefiniteness means that the terms of a contract are too vague or too indefinite for the contract to be enforceable, e.g. a contract that sells a parcel of land but doesn't include the exact location. If any party breaches a contract that fails for indefiniteness, usually the other party cannot claim a remedy for the breaching. In the previous example, if someone received money in advance they cannot keep it, it must be returned at the buyer's request.
But even if contracts fail for indefiniteness, but the parties can still reasonably perform, then the contract might be considered valid under certain circumstances. E.g. a contract between merchants that doesn't include a sales price, just a request for merchandise. If both merchants had already been engaged in previous transactions, UCC rules set the price as the reasonable price at the time of delivery, or the price used in a previous transaction.
In our first example, if the seller can provide proof of location of the parcel of land and it satisfies the contract's terms, then that sales contract is enforceable.