All of these are correct
According to the question, marble is a rock formed from limestone, which in turn is also formed from Calcite. This shows that marble is a kind of metamorphic rock because a metamorphic rock is any rock that is formed by the alteration of other rocks caused by heat, pressure or chemicals etc. These changes that occurs in the previously existing rocks are called METAMORPHOSIS.
Hence, since marble is formed from limestone, it concludes that marble is a metamorphosed rock formed from a previously existing limestone rock. Also, since Calcite, a precursor of limestone that marble is formed from can be degraded by acids, both limestone and marble which are formed from it will also be dissolvable by acids.
For the leaves to be presearved as fossil, they have to undergo a natural process of carbonization. This involves a slow chemical reaction with water over time that allows oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen to escape the leaves’ structure as gases leaving behind a carbon skeleton/film.