ok so, The battle of edessa took place between the armies of the roman empire
accoring to roman sources which are not very clear roman army was defeated and taken away by the persain froces. valerian as soon as posible tried to renigociate but he was captured. it is possible that his army surrendered after that. The prisoners included, according to Shapur's claims, many other high-ranking officials, including a praetorian prefect,[9] possibly Successianus
James town was the first permanent settlement in North America
Monasteries were important in the Medieval era for a number of reasons
1. They were the libraries of the era. Monasteries were important repositories of books, especially prior to the invention of the printing press.
2. They were the printing presses of the era. Monks were often engaged in the tedious task of hand copying books to ensure their survival
3. They were a great place to offload extra children of the royals. Third and Fourth sons of Dukes and Earls would often get sent to Monasteries. This ensured orderly succession and a lack of battles over who should inherit.
The solidarity movement in Poland spoke out against communism, won, and established the first non-committal government in eastern Europe. The rest of the countries soon followed.
First, it was a very cool climate in the early fourteenth century when the crop failure happened. Also, irregular lengthy rain patterns killed the crops very fast.