When a lot of letters with the same body text need to be personalized.
11. True
12: Electronic Fund Transfer
13. True
14. I'm not sure but I think yes?..
(I'm not sure if your including number 15 but just in case, the full form of PIN is personal identification number)
System of linear equations is solved below and explained in detail.
Part a:
M = [1 3 5 2; 2 -4 7 -3; 0 -4 -7 3; 5 -3 2 1];
c = [7; -3; -1; 0];
Part b:
The statement used for the solution of system of linear equation will be:
X = linsolve(M,c)
where X will give the values of x1, x2, x3, x4 respectively.
Part c:
The system is solved in matlab using above equation and the results are attached in a file.
The values for X are:
x1 = -2/7
x2 = 3/7
x3 = 4/7
x4 = 11/7
The three most common operating systems for personal computers are Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, and Linux.