The last 2 point in the given question is the correct answer to the given question i.e
- an argument passed to the function in the correct positional order
- an argument wherein the number of arguments in the function call should match the definition of the function.
The required argument are those argument that are passing to the method the in the right location order.In the required argument the number of arguments in the call method must match the definition of the function .
For example
def fun( s ): #function definition
print(s) #display s
In this example there is function fun() in which we pass the argument 'er' we call that function from main() .The control moves to the function definition it checks the number of argument in the calling function fun() is matched with the definition of function fun() and print 'er'.
All the other option are not describing the required argument that's why this is incorrect option .
A workflow consists of an orchestrated and repeatable pattern of business activity enabled by the systematic organization of resources into processes that transform materials, provide services, or process information.
Create a detailed outline of what you want to achieve and sketch a workflow diagram before using workflow chart software or templates. This will help to ensure your chart is accurate and complete. Always consider your process and workflow manageability when inserting logic in your workflow chart. You can use decision symbols, connectors and text boxes. Always confirm the accuracy of your workflow chart with other stakeholders.
(If you need to know what the workflow diagrams layout is just look it up. GL.)
Purposes of Data Layer, in the Layered model for web applications are as following:-
1. The data Layer,is the third layer and it takes care of the all the operations concerning the database level.
2. This data layer gets a command from the application layer to send a query to the database and will process this command according to the type of database that is used.
3. It will ensure that the correct connections to the database are set.
4. It is represented by the Database.