That they were called the border ruffians
<span>Philosophy. An organized system of thought that comes from the Greek word meaning, "Love of wisdom"
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Ther Great Compromise was an agreement reached between the representatives of states with small populations and their counterparts from states with large populations at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. It defined the structure of Congress. It was agreed that there would be a bicameral Congress, with one lower chamber (the House of Representatives) with proportional representation, and an upper chamber (the Senate) with two senators by each state. The agreement was brokered by Connecticut representative Roger Sherman, that´s why it is also called the Sherman Compromise.
The correct option is C
The economy, which had experienced an important recovery since the Civil War, was attacked by a double blow by the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl. After the bankruptcy of the stock market in 1929, the economy suffered significant setbacks and thousands of city workers were unemployed, many of whom depended on federal aid programs such as the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA). of Emergency), the WPA (Work Progress Administration, Labor Progress Administration) and the CCC. Farmers and ranchers were especially damaged, as prices of cotton and livestock fell precipitously. Beginning in 1934 and until 1939, an ecological disaster of severe winds and droughts caused an exodus from Texas and Arkansas, the western region of Oklahoma and the surrounding plains, in which more than 500,000 people were homeless, hungry and unemployed. Thousands left these regions forever in order to look for economic opportunities on the West Coast.
In the basin of a half-billion souls, purification and pollution swim together in unholy wedlock. According to Hindu mythology, the Ganges river of India - the goddess Ganga - came down to the earth from the skies. The descent was precipitated when Vishnu, the preserver of worlds, took three giant strides across the Underworld, the Earth, and the Heavens, and his last step tore a crack in the heavens. As the river rushed through the crack, Shiva, the god of destruction, stood waiting on the peaks of the Himalayas to catch it in his matted locks. From his hair, it began its journey across the Indian subcontinent. Whatever one makes of this myth, the Ganges does, in fact, carry extraordinary powers of both creation and destruction in its long descent from the Himalayas. At its source, it springs as melted ice from an immense glacial cave lined with icicles that do look like long strands of hair. From an altitude of nearly 14,000 feet, it falls south and east through the Himalayan foothills, across the plains of northern India, and down to the storm-lashed Indo-Bangladesh delta, where it empties out into the Indian Ocean. Another version of the myth tells us that Ganga descended to earth to purify the souls of the 60,000 sons of an ancient ruler, King Sagara, who had been burnt to ashes by an enraged ascetic.