Investors are risk averse, which means that they are willing to invest in low risk projects or investments. In order for an investor to invest in a riskier project, he/she will expect to receive higher returns to compensate for the extra risk. US Treasury bonds are probably the safest investments in the world, that is why they yield the lowest interest rate. AAA bonds are less risky than BBB bonds, which in turn are less risky than CCC bonds. That is why AAA bonds yield a lower return than BBB bonds, and BBB bonds yield a lower return than CCC bonds.
1. Vlookup and Hlookup
2. Pivot table
3. some IF functions such as countif, countifs
The damages can be recovered as Jerome and Gary hung the playground swing improperly. A child was injured due to their negligent actions. The case will be on Meadowbrook Playground and not on the individual person who has committed the mistake. According to law, the damages can be recovered as the enterprise owned the whole property, and due to their carelessness in the installation of swing, the accident took place. The child's parent has every right to recover damages from the playground owner.
The answer is given in detailed below along with headings separated for each part of the question
<u>External Competitiveness and Internal Alignment</u>
The comparisons with competitors with regard to the income received, some of which offer even high salaries in order to get the best individuals to work for them refer to as external competitiveness. While in the case of Internal alignment the comparison is done on the individuals job or skill level with each others and with the organisations objectives.
<u>Importance of External Competitiveness</u>
This is important depending on the goal of the organisations such that they provide attractive pay packages to retain their employees while ensuring that the labour cost is controlled so that it's products/services prices remain competitive in the market.
<u>Factors shaping the organisations external competitiveness</u>
The factors affecting the external competitiveness are as given below:
(1) Customs specific to both the organisations and its employees.
(2) Labour Market Competition
(3) The Competition in the market of product/service
These factors combined affect the level of pay an employee receives within an organisation.
It is False
The law of one price (LOOP) states that in the absence of trade frictions (such as transport costs and tariffs), and under conditions of free competition and price flexibility (where no individual sellers or buyers have power to manipulate prices and prices can freely adjust), identical goods sold in different.