1984 George Orwell Book Summary. In 1984 by George Orwell, Winston Smith, a low-ranking member of the Party in London located in the nation of Oceania, faces a life of oppression and control. The Party watches Winston and everyone else through “telescreens” and displays their seemingly all-knowing leader, known as Big Brother, on the telescreens.
Scource: <em>image from</em> https://www.bing.com/search?q=rising+ation+of+1984&form=ANNTH1&refig=ac8bda4fa0ca461f999c6775975aa4bb&adlt=strict
Prognosticating is a word for predicting the future.
The correct answer is option A ("For example").
When supporting any kind of argument, presenting evidence is always a great way of strengthening the reasoning for backing up a certain position. T<u>he phrase </u><u>"for example"</u><u> is commonly found as a way to introduce or link factual evidence to a previously stated argument.</u>
"Similarly" or "on the other hand" would be most commonly used to establish a comparisson; while "however" would point towards a counter-argument.
Hope this helps!