Confucianism brought a stability into a country which had been effected in many ways from previous changeovers in dynasty's. Ancient China also shows it was valued due to it being kept in practice till the end of the Ancient Chinese era and beyond. Confucius believed that every person had there place in society.
The answer is Humanism or Humanistic Psychology. <span>It is a psychological standpoint that stresses
the study of the whole person. Humanistic psychologists look at human behavior not
only through the eyes of the spectator, but through the eyes of the person doing
the behaving. They believe that a person’s behavior is associated to his inner
feelings and self-image. Not like the behaviorists, humanistic psychologists think
that humans are not only the product of their environment. They put emphasis on
characteristics that are shared by all human beings such as love, grief,
caring, and self-worth.</span>
The five stages are: 1) Aninut, pre-burial mourning. 2-3) Shivah, a seven-day period following the burial; within the Shivah, the first three days are characterized by a more intense degree of mourning. 4) Shloshim, the 30-day mourning period. 5) The First Year (observed only by the children of the deceased).
B.Add Demand 1 to right of Demand.
This is because we want to increase quantity while decreasing price, so we would want to add anouther demand line to the left of the origanal to make it so that we decrease price but increase quantity.