The horse and donkey, though closely related by sharing a common ancestor, are different species. They have different number of chromosomes hence pairing of homologous chromosomes during fusion of gametes becomes complicated. The mule will have an extra chromosome from the horse hence will have abnormalities such as sterility. A Mule is unable to reproduce due to this same phenomenon. Homologous chromosomes are not well paired for meiosis I.
Archae can live in extreme settings, like super cold or super hot places
Archae have no peptidoglycan in cell walls, while Eubacteria do
Eukarya are things like fungi, plant, animal cells
Not all Eukarya have cells walls
The new cells would have incorrect number of chromesomes
amino acids
anaerobic respiration
aerobic respiration
Excretion refers to the removal of waste products that is produced from amino acids metabolism.
Carbon dioxide is formed in living organisms in the process of both aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration and can be removed from the body through lungs.
Urea is produced in the liver and then the blood is to be sent to the kidney and which is excreted from the body.
Urea is compounds of nitrogen which is formed from amino acids that contains toxic substances which the body does not need.