a. purple allele (C) = 0.609, pink allele (c) = 0.391
b. purple homozygotes = 371, pink homozygotes = 153, heterozygotes = 476
Given -
Purple flowers - 847
Pink flowers - 153
The frequency of recessive genotype i.e

Frequency of recessive allele i.e q is equal to

As per hardy Weinberg's first equilibrium equation -

Frequency of purple homozygous species

Number of purple homozygous species 
Number of pink homozygous species 
Heterozygous species is equal to

In addition to gravity, muscular peristaltic waves, originating in the renal pelvis, squeeze urine down the ureters and squirt it into the bladder, the peristaltic movements consist of radially symmetrical contractions and in the relaxation of the muscles that propagate in a wave downwards in the muscular tube, in an antegrade manner, such movements are also found in the esophagus and stomach.