C) If A has the capacity to influence the behavior of B, then A is said to have power over B.
The intolerable acts were one of the biggest causes of the American Revolution, if they had not been passed there is a good chance America would not have revolted against the British, or at least would not have done it when they did. Colonial times specifically would most likely not have had the turmoil of the Revolutionary War and all that went with it.
Risky shift.
Risky shift is when a group or team agrees on a decision that would have been riskier for one individual to take alone. Such a group attitude would increase the chance for consequences that are not positive. In such a scenario people would change their decisions to be more riskier when they are in a group compared to when they are acting individually. It is a form of group polarization.
I assume that the context is story-telling and the high point refers to the high point of the story, or the one moment in which the decision is made that will influence the rest of the story: this is called climax (answer a).
The conflict might happen before the climax, and lead to it.